Attending: Dave Weinshenker,
Dan Solvin,
Gerald Nordley,
Julie Porter,
Stellan Lagerstrom.
Call to order: Dave W called the meeting to order at 20:05



    Dave is working with the 85% Bangtsson HTP on an outside project. He reports that the stuff “is of good quality and available”. They also have 90% available.

    Dan reports that Mike Carden (X-L Space Systems) can provide 99%.

    Peroxide storage tanks were discussed.

    The state of the Ranch and various propellent storage containers was discussed.


    Michael Wallis could not be present (picking up family @ airport) but reassures that we still have money.

    Machine shop:

    Stallen mentioned that machining anything greater than 2 ft long at the TechShop would be difficult.

    Aluminum test tank manufacture issues were discussed.

    We’d want a 1/2” thick Al tank wall for safety factor.

    Dan hopes to avoid welding (and heat treating) but this may not be possible.

    Cavitating venturi:

    Work is in progress

    A source of pressurized fluid for CV testing was discussed.

    Dan reports that the pressure transducers (ordered off eBay) have been received.


    SiliCon recruiting activity discussed.

    Dan is willing to show up if he gets a pass.

    Gerald promised that badges would be arranged for everyone who is willing to come and do table time.

    Carol Stoker will be giving a Phoenix presentation at SiliCon.

    The writer GOH is Larry Niven.

    They plan to have a “Science Alley” full of neat stuff if people will bring it.

    Gerald, Julie, and Stallen will be working SiliCon apart from ERPS.

    Dan reports that the X-Prize Cup has been cancelled for this year, may do it next year.


Gerald moved to adjourn and Julie seconded. The motion passed without oppositions and the meeting was adjourned at 2100.
General Meeting #330