E.R.P.S. Membership Application
    Observer Status:
Observer Membership is open to those individuals who just want to receive the email list, read about our adventures and live vicariously through the exploits of a small, dedicated group of rocket experimenters who intend to change the world. Observer membership is open to people of any age. No dues are assessed for this class of membership, but donations are appreciated.


Membership is open for those individuals who wish to support the research, construction, testing or flight of E.R.P.S. designed engines, vehicles or systems, and have paid their dues for the calendar year. Members have full access to the email list and other computing resources of the Society. Members must be at least 18 years old. Members vote on Director and Officer postions. Additional donations are appreciated.

    Participating Membership:

Participating Membership is open for those individuals who have ave paid their dues for the calendar year and attended at least one E.R.P.S. meeting, test or flight and who wish to participate in the research, construction, testing or flight of E.R.P.S. designed engines, vehicles or systems. Participating members have full access to the email list and other computing resources of the Society. Participating members must be at least 18 years old. Members vote on Director and Officer postions. Additional donations are appreciated.

    Executive Membership:

Executive Membership is open to those inviduals who have ave paid their dues for the calendar year and have actively participated in an E.R.P.S. project, have demonstrated techical or leadership qualities, and who are willing to be responsible for sections or teams within the organization. Executive members are nominated by other executive members and appointed by the Board of Directors after confirmation of their interest and approval of the project they'd be assigned to. Executive members must be at least 18 years old. Holding an Amateur Radio license of at least Technician Grade is encouraged. Executive Members may also serve on the Board of Director and/or as Officer of the Society. Additional donations are appreciated.

First Name Last Name Email Address
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Cell Phone Amateur Radio Callsign Member Since

I, the undersigned, by my action in joining the E.R.P.S., agree to indemnify and hold harmless the E.R.P.S., its appointed officers and agents, and other members from and against all claims, damages, or injuries direct or consequential arising out of any participation in activities associated with rocket operations. I understand the potential hazards involved with rocket launch and static test activities. I also recognize that violations of non-compliance with the directions (pertaining to safety) of the Range Safety Officer in charge of any particular event, may result in suspension of my participation in all future events.

         ____________________________________    __________________
         Signature                               Date

Complete, print, sign, date and bring this form to the next meeting, or mail it to:

PO Box 61642
Sunnyvale, CA